The 5 most common myths about Botox (botulinum toxin)

Dr. (Tip Uludag Univ.) Elif Beyza Ucar

Doc. Lilly

Myth no. 1 “Botulinum toxin is a dangerous poison”

Botulinum is frequently mischaracterized as a poison. In reality, the prospect of poisoning someone with it necessitates the consumption of over 3,000 bottles of the substance. Thanks to its substantial dilution, it proves to be both an efficient and secure medication, exhibiting exceedingly infrequent and transient side effects. This aligns with the timeless principle articulated by Paracelsus in 1538: “The dose determines the poison.”


Myth no. 2 “Botox causes permanent muscle paralysis”

There is a common misconception regarding the impact of botulinum toxin, suggesting paralysis in the areas surrounding treated muscles. However, it is more accurate to describe the outcome as muscle relaxation rather than paralysis. When administered correctly, botulinum toxin results in a rejuvenated facial appearance, characterized by a natural and relaxed expression.


Myth no. 3 “Botox is poison for the entire body”

Botox cannot travel through the body. It binds at the injection site within a short time. Therefore, the liver, kidneys, brain, or other vital organs cannot be affected.


Myth no. 4 “Botox leads to a rigid facial expression”

Lines of expression predominantly stem from persistent tension in facial muscles, a condition that can be eased with Botox. Attaining a balanced overall appearance necessitates meticulous application and precise dosage. Following the treatment, your face retains its mobility. Facial features present a more relaxed and rejuvenated expression.


Myth no. 5 “Botox is only useful for wrinkles”

This is not entirely accurate. In addition to addressing wrinkles, Botox can also be employed for the treatment of certain medical conditions. Instances include managing migraines, alleviating excessive sweating, and addressing teeth grinding.



Dr. (Tip Uludag Univ.) Elif Beyza Ucar

Doc. Lilly

Mein Name ist Dr. (Tip Uludag Univ.) Elif Ucar, auch genannt „Doc. Lilly“, Ärztin für ästhetische Medizin. Ich habe meine Leidenschaft heute zu 100% in der ästhetischen Medizin gefunden, die den Fokus insbesondere darauf legt, Ihre individuelle Schönheit zu unterstreichen. In allem was ich tue, ist es mir besonders wichtig, mir Zeit für Sie und Ihre Wünsche zu nehmen. In einer Beratung dürfen Sie offen und ehrlich Fragen stellen und Gedanken äußern. Selbstverständlich auch Ängste, falls Sie welche haben.

I am Dr (Tip Uludag Univ.) Elif Ucar, also known as, “Doc. Lilly”, Doctor of Aesthetic Medicine. My primary focus is on highlighting your unique beauty. I am dedicated to understanding your desires and needs to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. As a perfectionist, I not only strive to flawlessly perform my craft but also to ensure your utmost satisfaction with the results.

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